Katrina, Imran get naughty
She's changed the chemistry of sexiness. Yeah, we thought sweet can't be sexy, and then walked in Katrina Kaif.
Adding that dizzying degree of sweetness to her sex appeal, she left the men breathless and the women envious. And today she's firing up zoOm's 6th Anniversary celebration, by adding her super-glam quotient to zoOm's 'sexy' attribute.
"I really think sex-appeal is more about personality," says the sexy Katz. You would think that a beauty like this would have wowed admirers since her sweet teeny days, but she shockingly confesses, "I think I grew up the exact opposite. I never got any attention when I was 15-16 years old, and was never popular with boys. I don't ever remember being desirable as a teenager." Well, if she's not Ms Popular with the boys, what about cat-fights with the gals. She quickly clarifies, "If there is a fight going on, I am not a part of it." And what makes her so sexy? "Well, it's funny to look into the mirror and say I am hot or sexy." Watch Katrina on the 'Six Appeal' specials on September 23, only on zoOm.
Read more: Katrina, Imran get naughty - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/bollywood/news-interviews/Katrina-Imran-get-naughty/articleshow/6599550.cms#ixzz10es2oSat

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